Thursday 19 March 2015

Maggot racing with 7N3

The boys in 7N3 investigated speed today by racing maggots!

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Rat Dissections with Miss Jack

Finding out about the anatomy of a mammal with Miss Jack.

Rat dissection sign up

Last chances to sign up for today's rat dissection with Miss Jack in lab 4! Limited number of places remaining!

7S1 egg drop

7S1 and their egg drop challenge!

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Year 9 spaghetti and marshmallow challenge with Miss Lee

Year 9 made a good attempt with their marshmallow structures this morning with Miss Lee.

Monday 16 March 2015

Spaghetti and marshmallow towers 8N2

8N2 attempted to make some marshmallow and spaghetti towers during their science lesson. All groups tried their best but of the 7 groups, only 1 tower was able to stay standing!

Rat Dissections!

Miss Jack will be dissecting rats on Wednesday and Thursday in Lab 4. If you are interested sign up with Miss Jack, spaces are limited!

Open to Y9 students and above.

Physics events

The first of the science week events are happening today.

Lecture theatre at 3:30pm for Y10 and Y11 students.
The Mysteries of the Universe

Hall 2 at 3:30pm for 6th form students:
CERN - Exploring the Mysteries of the Atom

Science Week